Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy is used to help people cope with distressing memories of traumatic events. It always starts with establishing safety and rapport between the client and the therapist. Different therapeutic approaches may be used based on the specific needs and preferences of the individual. Please see below for the types of approaches I can provide.

Trauma Treatment

There are many different ways to treat trauma and together we can explore what approach works best. Before starting any sort of trauma treatment, we will explore the common reactions to trauma and practical coping skills to manage anxiety and distress.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an effective way to treat various forms of trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), by helping individuals reprocess traumatic memories and reduce associated symptoms. EMDR involves a specific type of therapeutic technique known as bilateral stimulation. This typically includes the therapist guiding the individual to move their eyes back and forth horizontally, following the therapist's fingers or a visual stimulus, while recalling traumatic memories or distressing thoughts.

Written Exposure

Written Exposure Therapy is a brief (5-session) therapy designed to help people work through distressing memories using writing. The core of Written Exposure Treatment involves writing about the traumatic event. The person is asked to express their thoughts and feelings related to the trauma in a structured way. This may include details of the event, emotions experienced, and their beliefs about the trauma. The person is guided to explore their thoughts and feelings about the trauma in a systematic manner. This can involve breaking down the traumatic memory into smaller parts and addressing each part in a step-by-step fashion. The writing exercises are often repeated over several sessions, allowing the person to become more comfortable and less distressed as they confront and express their thoughts and feelings about the traumatic event.

Throughout this process, I will provide support and feedback before and after the writing exercises to help you navigate any challenges that may arise or make sense of your experiences.